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Our Mission Statement

Everyday artwork for everyday people.

At Hissing Kitten Art Gallery we want to provide artists from all
backgrounds, practices, and skill levels the opportunity to showcase/exhibit
and/or sell their artwork to any and all peop
les who are interested. This means
exhibiting spectacular works of skill, creativity, and love that are available and
affordable to the general public.

Not the place for hate.

The gallery is open to all, but please understand that Hissing Kitten is a
safe place and does not tolerate hate or discrimination to an
y degree. Our
approval process will include screening for hateful subjects. Politics, religion,
nudity, and substance use are all accepted subjects, so please feel free to stop
by or contact us before bringing your young children into our space.

Starving artists, we think not.

The gallery plans to keep the monetary income percentages at 80% to the
artist and 20% to the gallery. Our goal is to provide supplemental income to feed
the bellies of our artists so they may continue to keep producing work whether as
a “side hustle” or as a “profession”.

Thank you for supporting our local artist community gallery!

For inquiries regarding our gallery please email us at 

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